Young Tai Yai

Publié le par Gaelle, Aisyah, Socheata... what else ?

         Sunday afternoon was spent in drinking (fanta for me, beer for the guys) and eating porc and grass-hoppers, listening to guitar and producing as many comical expression we could. I was feeling great with my new "friends". After one of them joked a "I love you", I answered a "I love Myanmar". I always stay cautious, Burma is not the official name any more, after the junta changed it for Myanmar instead. Saying Burma is seen as anti-junta I think.
         But Boun (Stripped Polo, guy on the left on the video) instantly corrects me "No, I love Burma" And Peter Pan (the one at the left of Boun) corrects him straight after " No !! Tai Yai !!" And everyone approved. It's true. They are Tai Yai, not Burmese. To see them claiming that they belong to the Tai Yai more than to the Burmese group really moved me. I know what it means here.

Tai Yai forever

Publié dans Myanmar

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