Chinese masquerade

Publié le par Gaelle, Aisyah, Socheata... what else ?

        I remember talking once about how easy it was to modify information, when I was describing the opium museum in Burma. I got a new proof of it by email lately : you never know what to believe...  But whatever they show us should always be questionned. True or false ? Sometimes, we just can't know... But let's try to keep a critical thinking when watching the TV news or reading the newspaper, so as not to accept without thinking first...

        According to the mail going with the pic, the photo would have been taken by the Great-Britain Communication Agency, on March 20th. Can you guess what it is ? If I say "violence in Lhassa", do you get any closer ?
         They are Chinese soldiers who are given Buddhist monks robes. What for ? So that the state-run media have "visual proof" that the monks are the ones who created the violence in Lhassa. Soldiers are turned into so-called monks, they are sent to commit violence in the city against the shops of peaceful Chinese et journalists are given clues so that they can be on the spot and take pictures. It's then easy to show the pictures to the Chinese people and get it convinced that Tibetan monks are corrupted and should not be trusted.

          Ok, now... I am really disposed to believe this picture, more than all the statements from the Chinese government. But... Who knows ? Who can say it's not just... say... the distribution of blankets for a camp and it happens by chance that these blankets are red and yellow ? I know, I find it hard to believe too ^^ But I think this picture is the proof that we should take care of what we believe we are seeing...

-- Please show this picture around --

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